Peaceful Living & Self-Care Culture with Wellness Coach Roberta Hughes

Peaceful Living & Self-Care Culture with Wellness Coach Roberta Hughes

05 Jun, 2023

Discover the power of self-care and the importance of creating a self-care focused business and culture with a positive mindset in the latest episode of Entrepreneur Conundrum. Join the host as she interviews Roberta Hughes, the founder of Peaceful Living, a personalized stress relief service that combines Pilates, yoga, and meditation. Through her experience as a wellness coach, Roberta shares tips on how to manage work and life stress by finding white space in one's calendar and taking intentional breaks to avoid burnout. Her mission is to inspire and educate busy professionals to prioritize their own health and well-being. In this episode, you'll learn how Roberta grew her business from a passion project to a successful enterprise with the help of a team of contractors and coaches. Discover how self-care culture can transform your life with simple practices like breathing exercises and spending time in nature. Whether you're a busy professional or stay-at-home parent, this episode is packed with valuable insights and actionable tips to help you achieve your desired goals. Don't wait, subscribe and leave a review now to join the self-care movement!

- Personalized stress relief services
- Entrepreneurship journey
- Social media as a marketing tool
- Balancing work and personal life
- Virtual instructor competition
- Importance of meaningful connections
- Hiring a team for business growth
- Seeking help for bookkeeping
- Simple ways to reduce stress
- Self-care focused business and culture
- Prioritizing self-care practices
- Transformation through small pockets of time
- Resources offered by guest speaker
- Call to action



00:02:11 What led you to be an entrepreneur and how you got to where you are today?

00:04:47 So who would you say is your ideal avatar?

00:05:15 What do you do to get in front of them?

00:05:47 What kind of social media channels work best for you?

00:06:46 So when people come to you, what's the main thing that you'll consistently see with everybody? Is it a lot of work stress or just needing balance?

00:09:24 So what are a couple of big goals that you're looking to achieve in the next year or two?

00:11:24 Do they have different benefits for where you rank on your top instructor?

00:13:16 So what would those goals, how would they affect your business?

00:14:43 What do you think is the number one roadblock that might be holding you back from reaching your goals?

00:16:31 How did it feel bringing in the people, your team, that you have to help you? Was it kind of scary letting go or that you were getting big, that you benefited from having people?

00:20:30 What's the best advice that you have ever received?

00:21:29 What's the best advice you've ever given?

00:27:50 Where can we go to find out more about you and what you do?


Roberta Hughes

Pilates | PeaceFull LIVING | PeaceFull LIVING| Colorado, USA

Instagram (@roberta_peacefullliving)

PeaceFull Living


Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336

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Virginia Purnell

Virginia lives in Northern Alberta on a small farm with her husband and three children. Virginia is a master funnel builder having been certified as an FG Society Master Marketer, Funnelytics, and ClickFunnels Certified Partner. She uses that knowledge to help businesses with their online presence, visibility, and sales.