[00:01:04] Virginia: So how did you get to kind of get you are today? Like how did your journey come to be?
[00:02:38] Virginia: That's exciting. Have you gotten busy the last couple of years then?
[00:05:05] Virginia: So your clients that you work with now, what are some of the common mistakes you see them making?
[00:07:19] Virginia: Who's your ideal client?
[00:08:35] Virginia: So what do you, how do you get in front of those people?
[00:12:34] Virginia: What are a couple of big goals that you have that you're hoping to achieve in the next couple of years?
[00:13:58] Virginia: How do you feel like those goals? So implementing some courses and, and helping. That X number of female entrepreneurs. How do you think that will affect your business?
[00:15:34] Virginia: Have you ever thought about doing group coaching or group masterminds?
[00:18:02] Virginia: What do you feel is your number one roadblock that might be in the way of you reaching those goals?
[00:21:52] Virginia: So what’s the best advice you've ever received?
[00:25:31] Virginia: What's the best advice you've ever given?
[00:27:42] Virginia: Is there anything that you would like to share that I haven't asked you yet?
Jessica Totillo Coster
eCommerce Badassery on Apple Podcasts
Virginia Purnell
https://www.linkedin.com/in/virginiapurnell/ Virginia Purnell
Funnel & Visibility Specialist
Distinct Digital Marketing
(833) 762-5336
Book a Free Call http://bit.ly/DDMBookACallEC