Helping Ecom Businesses Grow Through Using Interactive Quizzes with Gen Furukawa.

Helping Ecom Businesses Grow Through Using Interactive Quizzes with Gen Furukawa.

04 Jul, 2022

Gen Furukawa is the Co-Founder of -- helping Shopify merchants create amazing shopping experiences through quizzes and product recommendations.

Consumers want an experience, not a sales pitch.

The interactive quizzes give shoppers an engaging experience, and help merchants create personalized recommendations as they generate more leads, and a higher conversion rate.

Gen have 10+ years in digital marketing, from bootstrapped SaaS to venture-backed SaaS and ecommerce companies.

There have been successes--joining the founding team at Jungle Scout and leading the marketing to establish the company as the leader in the Amazon seller space.

And failures--a food delivery service that I Co-Founded out of business school. (Lesson learned: marketing, and the ability to create demand, is critical when profit margins are razor thin).

Prehook is the culmination of those experiences. Their mission is to allow every merchant to create a unique personalized experience for every shopper.

Gen also hosts the E-commerce Marketing Podcast cart overflow, where he shares what the best brand operators, agencies, and tech platforms are doing to grow their e-commerce revenues. 


Virginia  01:03 How did you get on this entrepreneurial journey and decide that you needed to go out on your own?

Virginia  06:22 Arre there certain brands that you work with more or more for your ideal avatar?

Virginia  08:18 Were able to capture the leads and the lead information, then for that, store that company?

Virginia  10:08 So do you do the interactive quizzes like Mother's Day or Father's Day or specific holidays like that? For you?

Virginia  11:40 Do you ever be like, Hey, you bought someone for you bought something for your mom? Now it's time to get something for you? Do you ever kind of like Target like that, too?

Virginia  12:19 Are there any big mistakes that you've kind of seen your ideal clients making? Are they kind of the ones that we've just touched on where they're too long of a welcome sequence for a gift buyer?

Virginia  14:01 How do you guys get in front of your ideal clients?

Virginia  15:48 What are some of your big goals in the next year or two? So whether it's personally or even just with pretty high?

Virginia  16:49 What do you think? Is your number one roadblock? That might be?

Virginia  18:21 So what's the best advice that you have ever received?

Virginia  20:08 What's the best advice you've ever given?

Virginia  23:31 How do you make sure that you're utilizing and getting that personalized information from the customer?

Virginia  24:48 Is there anything that you wanted to share with us today that we haven't touched on yet?

Learn more from the source!

Check these out to learn more about Gen Furukawa:

Interactive Quizzes & Product Recommendations for Shopify Entrepreneurs

Twitter: gen furukawa


Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336

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Virginia Purnell

Virginia lives in Northern Alberta on a small farm with her husband and three children. Virginia is a master funnel builder having been certified as an FG Society Master Marketer, Funnelytics, and ClickFunnels Certified Partner. She uses that knowledge to help businesses with their online presence, visibility, and sales.