Flow Chat Founder and Ninja Warrior Chris Baden

Flow Chat Founder and Ninja Warrior Chris Baden

29 Nov, 2021

[00:00:40] VIRGINIA: Thanks for being Here with us today. Can you kind of tell us what your entrepreneurial journey has been like? Like has this, has this always been what you have done?

[00:03:47] VIRGINIA: So who is your ideal client?

[00:07:13] VIRGINIA: So how do you get in front of agency owners?

[00:09:37] VIRGINIA: What's some of your big goals that you have now for the next year or two?

[00:18:23] VIRGINIA: What's the best advice that someone's ever given you? Was there something specific that definitely helped you through those rough times? Or just in general?

[00:21:44] VIRGINIA: Where can people go to find out more, learn more about you and what you do?

Chris Baden

FlowChat - Official Community

Chris Baden


Virginia Purnell


https://www.linkedin.com/in/virginiapurnell/ Virginia Purnell

Funnel & Visibility Specialist

Distinct Digital Marketing

(833) 762-5336



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Virginia Purnell

Virginia lives in Northern Alberta on a small farm with her husband and three children. Virginia is a master funnel builder having been certified as an FG Society Master Marketer, Funnelytics, and ClickFunnels Certified Partner. She uses that knowledge to help businesses with their online presence, visibility, and sales.