Virginia: [00:04:51] So with your multiple jobs and stuff that you've had at the beginning, do you find that your content now being in one area?
Virginia: [00:06:10] Do you find that there's any like common mistakes that a lot of your customers are making prior to coming with you?
Virginia: [00:07:32] So you mentioned that like the professionals, but who would be your ideal client?
Virginia: [00:08:14] how do you get in front of them?
Virginia: [00:09:39] So do you get their attention on Facebook and then pull them into an email nurture sequence? Or how do you go about doing that?
Virginia: [00:11:00] So what are a couple of big goals that you have in the next one to two years?
Virginia: [00:13:33] What do you feel like your number one roadblock is for that goal?
Virginia: [00:14:35] What's the best advice that you've ever received?
Virginia: [00:16:27] So what's the best advice you've ever given?
Virginia: [00:18:04] Is there anything that you would like to share with us that we haven't asked you yet?
John Vuong
Virginia Purnell Virginia Purnell
Funnel & Visibility Specialist
Distinct Digital Marketing
(833) 762-5336
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