EC 26 : with Rachel Iverson

EC 26 : with Rachel Iverson

21 Sep, 2020

Virginia's Questions

00:34 What inspired you to start your own business?

01:46 What do you like most about that? Well, first of all, tell us the what what did you choose?

04:59 So by smarter, do you mean healthier or what do you mean by that one?

09:11 Well, that's cool. And then that gains you more trust to in the long run. Right.

09:20 So do you have an ideal client or customer that you try to work with?

10:55 So do you have any business goals that you're hoping to achieve over the next one to two years?

13:14 Do you feel like there's a roadblock that's stopping you from reaching that goal?

13:49 Of course you will.  So what are you doing that's working for you to attract more business?

15:23 Is there anything that you're doing to like stand out online at all?

17:47 What is the best advice you have ever received?

18:26 What's the best advice you have ever given?

19:03 Is there anything that you would like to share with us that I haven't asked?


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Virginia Purnell

Virginia lives in Northern Alberta on a small farm with her husband and three children. Virginia is a master funnel builder having been certified as an FG Society Master Marketer, Funnelytics, and ClickFunnels Certified Partner. She uses that knowledge to help businesses with their online presence, visibility, and sales.